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about us

The Association of Social Scientists

The Association of Social Scientists – Samfunnsviterne - is a professional association organising people with a higher degree in social sciences and the humanities.

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The minimum level of higher education needed to qualify for membership is a Master’s degree within social sciences and the humanities. Students studying for a Bachelor's or Master’s degree also qualify for membership.

The Association of Social Scientists was founded in 1994. Today, the association has over 19 000 members. The secretariat's office is situated in the city centre of Oslo.

Where are our members employed?

The majority of our members are employed in the public sector, such as governmental services, local and county municipalities etc. Other members are employed in different companies within the private sector, in NGOs and in hospital administration. The association also includes student members.


The association's major concern is strengthening our members’ salary progression and improving their working conditions. The association works systematically towards strengthening the union officials’ competence and activity. Our union officials constitute the core of the association. The success of the association depends strongly upon their knowledge and ability to work locally towards the association’s goals. Their involvement, hard work and achievement are decisive elements for the development and professionalism of the association.

Advocating measures

Our key objectives are to secure our members’ interests in four areas:

  • Salary progression 
  • Working conditions
  • Enforcing our members’ professional identity 
  • Improvement of knowledge and expertise.

The Association of Social Scientists has signed a Nordic agreement of cooperation. Members of similar associations for social scientists in the Nordic countries may receive help from The Association of Social Scientists when employed in Norway.

Salary survey

The association conducts an annual salary survey among all members. The results of our annual salary surveys are available to our members  (when logged in). These annual surveys stand out as one of our most popular membership benefits.


The association offers courses for union officials of all tariff sectors. The programmes include courses about the role of union officials as well as courses on reorganisation processes, pensions, conflict management, labour legislation and management training.

Information and communication

The association works continuously with developing the internal and external information routines. Members are informed of important measures through e-mail and through information published on our web site as well as on our members’ web and through social media.

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